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Bright simplicity

This look that would guide the rest of our design started (accidentally) with the logo. When we were in the early stages of deciding on a look and feel for the agency moving forward, I made a few changes to the logo so it would match a conceptual mockup. While the conceptual mockup went straight to the archives, changes to the logo felt like the evolution we were looking for. It's bright simplicity led the design of the site moving forward. We built a minimalist canvas on which our client work could shine.

Use the slider to see before and after.


Putting our best foot forward

The best way to show users who we are, what we do, and who we partner with to make it all happen, is to put the work front and center. We created an engaging home page that puts our work first, and backed it up with our core values.


Expanding and standardizing the Seismic design system

Seismic already had a widely recognized brand in their industry, we just wanted to give a bit of a refresh when they launched their new site. With new type, added colors, custom photography and video, they now had the tools to scale with brand consistency.


From log-in, to content creation, the admin dashboard is customized specifically to the needs of the agency

over design

A mix of modular design and our CMS ensures that even with multiple admins, our site content will be built consistently

ladybugonarianbow logo, appears to be just the wings of a ladybug with a circle at the tip of each wing

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Small to Medium size screen experiences coming soon.

Really. I promise.